The sky has a tendency to embrace

all the stars varying in characteristics,

some are like tiny little dwarfs on the canvas,

others are like sparkling shimmery beam of light,

they dance and gossip forming a sequence and constellation;

few more who love to sit beside the moon

and help him administer the black canvas,

of course the moon also has its characteristics,

from being half to perfect disc and sometimes just a shadow;

even though the entire blanket

 has different elements and distinctive attributes

yes they embrace and cherish each other's qualities,

they dance, blink, glitter and play hide and seek;

imagine all the stars having same characteristics,

spread all over the blanket with equi distance,

wouldn't it be monotonous?

if yes then why do we fight and become violent,

why can't we cherish and accept each other?

imagine a world where people love and respect each other;

a world where differences become a strength;

we have been beautifully carved by the universe,

strengthen your conviction to cherish each other just as

different fruits have different qualities,

Similarly we all are different,

let us accept each other and develop a spirit of

peace and harmony wherever we are.



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