
What if?

  What if??  Trust the Universe, create good causes and keep advancing!  


Image When you were born, The sages and worthies must have carried you,   On their heads, oh what GREAT WOMAN you are Meant to be HONOURED AND RESPECTED;   You are a life giver, a miracle maker, Who binds and keeps everyone together;   You are the FEARLESS AND COURAGEOUS one Like a soldier battling on an enemy ground,   You are that DAUNTLESS WOMAN, Who inspires not only the people In your surroundings;   But also the one Who keeps sneaking, peeing and wondering about the purity of your soul;   Your soul is massive and immeasurable, Now is when you understand how to live and let go;   Now is when you walk with DIGNITY, And stand up for yourself even if it means STANDING ALONE;   Your heart is kind and generous, Admiring your scars and inner beauty with a smile;   You have learnt to embrace, And stand by the truth in a non-violent struggle;   You are a QUEEN who carries an UNSEEN CROWN on your head, And hold everyone in a wide drape of y


"When we draw strength from within, our outlook undergoes a transformation; everything around us looks completely different. To be strong-that is the key to happiness". - Daisaku Ikeda  


Lets bounce back from pain every time, because you won't remember the storm, what matters is, its journey; you won't be the same person who stepped in, but a lot more stronger and wiser than before, lets consider pain and obstacles as a stepping stone to a better you, who smiles amazingly and becomes the sunshine, for those who are in need, whose heart has grown in capacity, to hold immense love, gratitude and happiness, you begin to admire, adorn and cherish yourself, transforming is never easy but believe that you are changing from inside, and becoming who you are meant to be; so, Continue to Love, Continue to Forgive, Continue to Grow.                          ~vatvisions Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to help you find yourself.......


  Become one such Courageous Woman who remains undefeated amidst all the challenges! “The Courage not to bow to pressure, the courage to stand alone, the courage to maintain ones determination, the courage to look deep into ones heart and confront, the courage to challenge difficulties- those who possess this kind of courage are Victorious” - Daisaku Ikeda


The sky has a tendency to embrace all the stars varying in characteristics, some are like tiny little dwarfs on the canvas, others are like sparkling shimmery beam of light, they dance and gossip forming a sequence and constellation; few more who love to sit beside the moon and help him administer the black canvas, of course the moon also has its characteristics, from being half to perfect disc and sometimes just a shadow; even though the entire blanket  has different elements and distinctive attributes yes they embrace and cherish each other's qualities, they dance, blink, glitter and play hide and seek; imagine all the stars having same characteristics, spread all over the blanket with equi distance, wouldn't it be monotonous? if yes then why do we fight and become violent, why can't we cherish and accept each other? imagine a world where people love and respect each other; a world where differences become a strength; we have been beautifully carved by the universe, stren